Monday, January 2, 2017


Welcome to Movies Taken Seriously! At this site, I cover mostly weekend box office reports and review new family-friendly and morally-driven movies that hit movie theaters.

If you are reading this post, it means I am currently taking a break from writing for this blogsite. With a busy college schedule, and the challenges of keeping up with this week-to-week, I really believe it is time for me to take time off to focus on what is more important in my life at this time. I will return one day, and when I know when I will be back to writing this, I will write it on here for all to see :).

But, feel free to browse around and check out reviews from movies from 2016 and earlier.

Hope you enjoy reading it! :)

-Blake W.

Update: I will return to writing this blog on Friday, November 10 with a review of Thor: Ragnarok! :)